who the key managers/owners are and what relevant expertise and background they bring to the business; include synopsis (background, relevant employment and professional experience, significant accomplishments, and educational background of each member); detail resumes may be provided in the appendix describe non-management positions, responsibilities/qualifications, personnel policies outside advisers (board of directors; legal council; accountants; bankers; consultant# your facility, including a layout, description of business image, hours of operation
operations plan: how you will deliver your product/service to the customer, from start to finish (who does what tasks, how long it takes, etc.) renovations and equipment list (including prices and condition – new or used) taxes to be paid, licenses required, and insurance needed
Key people: who will provide accounting and legal services, technical assistance and support Ownership at the initial stage and plans for the near future Management: investors invest in people rather than products, so sell the management team. Describe the management team at the initial stage and plans for the near future, including coverage for the owner’s unforeseen absence (sick time, etc.) during critical periods#
Issues list (acknowledge barriers to success – list important issues and solutions to these issues)
Issue, e.g. the owner has management/technology expertise, but no experience as a business owner; the proposed business concept is unproven; equipment damage risk; longer than expected time to the market; human resources shortage risk.
Solution to each issue, e.g. use experienced consultants; take training courses; conduct preliminary field testing; sub-contract certain work; obtain insurances and develop backup systems; limit number of projects and/or develop contingency coverage partnerships.
Marketing/promotional mechanisms (list mechanisms you are