In recent years, advancements in technology have been vastly increasing around the world, as a result of globalization and increased competition. Governments have made use of these technological advancements and Barbados is no exception. Electronic government (e-Government) programs have been approved by many Governments to provide and improve public services, as appropriately and efficiently as possible.
The objectives of e-government are to eliminate any chance of corruption and dishonesty at the point of service distribution. Link and modernize the public services that fall under one Ministry in order to facilitate effective and efficient communication. Make access to information easier and readily available, in order to create harmonious relations between citizens and government, through the existing technologies. Ensure that there is more transparency and accountability in the public sector by making more mechanisms available, and to find ways to improve, capture and increase revenue (fines, license fees and taxes) more efficiently, (Schware and Deane 11).
There are four types of services delivered through e-Government. These services are: Government-to-Citizen (G2C), Government-to-Business (G2B), Government-to-Employees (G2E), and Government-to-Government (G2G), (Pascual 6). As a result, these services allow businesses and citizens to securely communicate or network with Government.
G2C includes the distribution of general information to the public, for example applications for birth certificates, license renewals, income tax filing, health care, library and education services, (Pascual 6). However, the benefits that citizens will receive from the implementation of online services are improved customer service, greater access to information and additional convenience (“Benefits”).
Improved customer service includes providing assistance for those persons
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