The proposed system is developed for reading the meters at remote locations or tamper sensitive areas using the technology zigbee. The CMRI monitors automatically and safely different energy meter readings in a locality from a handheld device using zigbee communication.
This system comprises an energy meter modules connected to zigbee module which communicates with the handheld meter reader device which in turn is connected to a thermal printer that prints the bill based upon the values read from the energy meter. The sub system consists of energy consumption monitoring section that reads the output from the ADE 7751 IC and calculates the units. The LCD panel displays the unit consumed. Each module have a unique id which is allotted by KSEB. These values are sent to the reader device, when requested, using the zigbee module attached to the system.
All the functions are controlled by the microcontroller based embedded system. This system calculates the units consumed and sends the data to the LCD display panel. The system is tamperproof also. The system can be jammed and the power can be cut off by the control station if any irregularities have been sighted. The system also controls the zigbee module.
2.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM Fig. 2.1 Block diagram
The embedded system consists of a microcontroller system with LCD display, energy metering IC ADE 7751(Analog Devices) and Zigbee module.
The LCD panel displays the unit consumed..The ADE7751 is a high