the physician inputs the data into the computer, which allows the nurse to order labs, submit prescriptions and schedule follow up appointment. As for communicating with patient’s appointment reminder is mailed out and we also get an appointment reminder phone call.
In today’s society, the U.S. health care system must be culturally competent to operate efficiently. Health care organization must be able to interact will individual from diverse backgrounds in order to deliver optimal care. The Journal of Cultural Diversity states that “Culture refers to integrated patterns of learned core values, beliefs, norms, behaviors and customs that are shared and transmitted by a specific group of people” (Watters, Bergstrom & Sandefer, 2016). Organizations that are not versed in this area will (1) have a high level of patient dissatisfaction and (2) patient’s increase of distrust for the health care professional. Cultural competence is just as vital as the medical care, consequently organizations must have an established policy to ensure that they are meeting all the patient’s needs.