-Outline the organization requirements of the team in the line with company policy.
Our organization requirements are the following:
Our mission - Deliver experiences that enrich and nourish lives.
Our values - Sell and serve with passion, Front line first, Set goals, Act. Win, Integrity and respect always.
Our focus - Build customer advocacy, Build client success, Build employee engagement, Build shareholder value, Build local communities.
-Outline the teams objetives in achieving organizational targets.
Our strategic imperatives are the following: Define path to sustainable growth Drive productivity for growth Develop a high-performing organization Deliver against performance commitments
-Explain how individual performance of team members affects the overall performance of a team.
So I’m going to give an example within my team that happened few months ago. One of the guys started to change his behavior. Wasn’t smiling to the customers, was working slowly and calling sick very often. This affected all of us, not only is the attitude harmful to the one of them individually, affects all of us and it impacts directly the productivity levels, and sometimes the general performance of the company.
-Identify indicators of underperformance in relation to own team.
I can observe underperformance of staff when they do not follow company and the job rules and regulations. The guys sometimes show desobedience and not agreement to rules as regards the tasks to be accomplished.
Hearing bad words from a member of my team, is a sure indicator that I can recognize easily this person is underperforming, as I previously wrote, is something that affects no only this individual person but all of us.
-Explain the possible causes of underperformance.
If communication is ineffective or not enough. So for example, if I don´t go and tell the staff what tasks they should do in the day, they wouldn´t know what to do and this would slow the