I. Background
Nowadays, people are used to knowing knowledge but they don’t know how to implement that since they just don’t know how. In fact, this era forces people to understand something more about their ability, while some people don’t.
Docking in Richards & Rodgers (2001: 145) points out the relationship between competence and job performance, “A qualification or a job can be described as a collection of units of competency, each of which is composed on a number of elements of competency. A unit of competency might be a task, a role, a function, or a learning module. These will change over time, and will vary from context to context. An element of competency can be defined as any attribute of an individual that contributes to the successful performance of a task, job, function, or activity in an academic setting and/or work setting. This includes specific knowledge, thinking processes, attitudes, and perceptual and physical skills. Nothing is excluded that can be shown to contribute to performance. An element of competency has meaning independent of context and time. It is the building block for competency specifications for education, training, assessment, qualifications, tasks, and jobs.”
From now on, we are going to elaborate about a method that support how to understand better about knowledge they master called competency-based language teaching.
II. Problem Statement
1. What is CBLT?
2. What are the principals of CBLT?
3. How to implement CBLT?
4. What competencies does CBLT have?
5. Who are targets of this method?
III. Objectives
1. To understand about CBLT.
2. To know principals used in CBLT.
3. To know competencies CBLT has.
4. To be able implementing CBLT.
IV. Benefits
1. Understanding CBLT.
2. Knowing principals used in CBLT.
3. Knowing competencies CBLT has.
4. Being able to implement SBLT.
V. Review
Competency-Based Education (CBE) is an educational movement which emerged in the United