Applications Paper
In Game Advertising: The Future of Advertisements
Types of In Game Advertisements In game advertisement companies are given a choice as to what kind of advertisements they would like to put out in their video games. There are two types of advertisements to choose from: static and dynamic. Static advertisements are fixed placements at launch that stay after the release indefinitely. These advertisements are best used for brands that are never changing such as Lays, Coke and So What is important to note about static advertisements is they do not rely on Internet, which is good for consistency but bad if the initial advertisement is not done correctly. If this is the case, the result is a game recall, which is devastating to the bank accounts of gaming companies. The other form of advertising, dynamic advertisements, update with the internet/game. While this form of advertising keeps the game somewhat up to date, it is hard technologically to keep these updates current. An advantage of dynamic advertising is that it allows companies to collect and measure advertisement data on consumers. They can then take this data and give it to gaming companies so they can decide which ads work and which ones do not.
Characteristics, resources, and potentials of direct or indirect competitors for In Game Advertising The video game advertising market 's main competitors stem from print, film, and television advertisements. Unlike print and TV advertisements, however, a video game advertiser does not know how much exposure their advertisement will get with a placement. People may think that because of this question of exposure that video game advertisements are less successful than television ads, but this has proved to be the opposite. Hall & Partners Research is a marketing research company and recently conducted a study to see the success of in game advertisements based on Microsoft’s video game advertisement company
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