Every day, Monday-Friday Royal Mail delivers between 11am to 1pm.
I sort the incoming mail into the pigeon holes every day, each pigeon hole is named by department or assistant.
How you identify and deal with junk mail or damaged items
Most incoming mail has a building address, client name or department on it.
Some Junk mail might have a client/staff name that’s no longer working in the building, so we put it in the confidential recycling bin.
We deal with damage items by, contact the company by telephone or emailing. We can now return the damage item to the company, in exchange for new item or refund.
If the damage item is for a client, we ask them to contact the supplier for solution.
How you identify and deal with suspicious items
Any foreign packages with on unusual smell/colour or powder, I report to my manager or supervisor immediately.
How you distribute incoming mail or packages efficiently and quickly
We sort out incoming mails as soon as they arrive, putting individual letter in the pigeon holes.
We take out letters in each pigeon hole and rubber band it.
Write names (of client or assistance) on the mail bundle so that it can be easy to distributed and identify.
How you collect, sort and prioritise outgoing mail before it is sent
Every 2 to 3hours, we go to every floor to collect internal and external mail, and take them to the post room. This is where we sort the internal and external mail. Some external mail is already stamped, so we separate it from the mail need franking.
We mostly stamp all letters 1st class, charity post goes 2nd class. Staff/client sometimes specify the urgency/importance of the mail, what service they require (special delivery & recorded delivery).
How to identify the best method for despatching a particular item of mail
All letters that hasn’t got a stamp is weight on a scale, which is connected to a franking machine and it tell us the amount it cost.
We also have a size guide, which