You have been assigned to a strategic planning committee where your charge is to analyze the search industry and Google’s competitive position. Your report should include a 3 to 5 page executive summary of recommendations necessary to allow Google to strengthen its lead in the search industry and to make a success of its smartphone business, cloud computing, entry into emerging markets, and other recent ventures. Your recommendations should be specific and supported with facts from your industry analysis, company situation analysis, and financial analysis. Please attach the tables, figures, or other exhibits necessary to support your conclusions. (You should utilize the financial ratios presented in the Appendix of the text as a guide in doing your financial analysis of the company.) Your supporting exhibits and executive summary of recommendations will be given equal weighting in your grade for the written assignment. Prepare a final report to the Google’s senior management team which includes the following:
I. Part One - Executive Assessment (3 to 5 pages)
A. Introduction to your report - a one or two paragraph introduction. Just as in a final report to a client, your introduction may be as simple as, "I was hired by Google provide a current assessment of the search industry and, in particular, Google’s competitive position within that industry. A brief review of my methodology to the analysis of the Search Industry, conclusions developed based on that analysis, and, the recommendations that had been developed around these conclusions can be found in the following Executive Summary. The tools and actual outcomes of the analysis can be found in the appendices. "
B. Conclusions – I am looking for 10 to 20 conclusions. What did you conclude as a result of your analysis? I would expect to see conclusions that inform us about the industry. For example: is it attractive? If so, what is the basis for that