The first ineffective listening style that comes to mind is stage hogging. Stage-hogging is turning the conversation towards oneself. Where you don’t listen to the …show more content…
I’ll tell you how I’m doing. I’m sweating dude! I’m sweating my contract! I’m sweating Bob Sugar calling me and telling me that I’m missing the big endorsements by being with you!
Jerry’s message never gets across to Rod. Rod is only interested in making his point. I have encountered this many times. I have been on both ends of this ineffective listening style. The only difference is that when I was doing the Stage hogging I really did not notice. When it was being done to me I realized it right away. Whether I am having a conversation with my kids, husband or stranger I have to realize that as I want to express my thoughts so does the person I am speaking with.
The next ineffective listening style that caught my attention is pseudo listening. Pseudo listening is an imitation of the listening process. Pseudo listeners give the appearance of being attentive. The funny thing about pseudo listening is it can often take more energy than real listening. This ineffective listening style was portrayed in the car between Jerry and Dorothy’s son