Countless numbers of people in todays world still face the complications of inequality and multiple different ways such as gender and race. Many women throughout the world face the problem of gender inequality. The issue of the ‘pay gap’ between men and women has been around for many years. Many people go without knowing the truth and injustice of the difference between mens pay and women's pay. Ariane Hegewisch shares her statistics on the pay between men and women in her article “Pay Equality And Education” from the Institute Of Women's Policy, exclaims that “In 2013 women earned 78 cents to every dollar men earned making the pay gap of a whopping 22%”. The pay gap of 22% at this rate it would take about 45 years to become close or even possibly equal to men’s pay. Ariane Hegewisch, author of “Pay Equality And Education” implies us with more information by indicating that “ The level of qualification and level of degrees can be the same for a man and a women but the women will get payed less. Jobs predominantly done by women are paid less than those predominantly done by men”. Ariane is expressing that jobs usually done by women such as a hair dressers are paid less than jobs done usually done by men …show more content…
Many african americans find themselves being treated much less equal to those of lighter skin tone, usually whites. In the article “ Schools discipline for girls differ by race” by Tanzina Vega from The New York Times, reports “Two junior high girls, one white, one black, were caught vandalizing school property yet the one with the darker skin tone is the one to face much harsher consequences.” In the article, Tanzina continues to elaborate on the story saying that both girls were suspended for 3 days but the black one had to partake in community service over the summer and her curfew was at 7pm. Towards the end of the article we find out that the white family has connections at the school. Many African Americans and other races face this atrocious issue of discrimination and inequality in their own