There are others that are considered insane from many other people in different aspects. For example, in some religions one praise's a cow. What "makes" people insane now days are the ones who do not have similar believes to you. I believe that one is not insane just because they follow their traditions or believes. One is not insane to me unless they are proven by specialist that they have a mental problem, though this does not apply to all of them.
Our Cultures tend to discriminate towards the other cultures in which are different. Another example are suicide bombers, yes, we may call them crazy and not think otherwise. Have you ever thought, "what if I was raised by their cultures?" If you realize most act the way the world revolves around them. In this case if we were their children we would also eventually be those suicide bombers.
In essence, insanity is not something we can place upon someone just by acting differently from us. We have to look at things from a much scrutinized view and take upon whatever the individuals’ situation is into account. If I say someone is insane because he dresses, walks, talks, eats, drinks, or sleeps differently than me, then that same person can say the exact same for me because of the fact that I dress, walk, talk, eat, drink and sleep differently than him. When we observe the “sanity” of a person we must take into account the situation they were raised, the people who raised them, and the environmental and cultural background of it all. If within these guidelines you can still consider