v Television (TV ) v Radio v Computers v Projectors v Cameras v Mobile Phones v Film, Filmstrips, Film slides, Photographic slides v Video System(skype, google talk, Yahoo messenger,etc..
RADIO Radio is a scientific device that functions as an effective auditory instrument for communication. It also plays an important role in education. It is not only informs, but also inspires human being for learning more and more. It is not only includes values and virtues, but also creates attitudes, interests and appreciation of human life. It can cover a very wide area at the same time.
System for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, chiefly used to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education Television is an audio-visual and sophisticated scientific device. It telecasts programs from far and wide areas of the country and abroad. It has an important role to play for entertainment and education of people all over the world. IMPORTANCE OF TELEVISION IN TEACHING & LEARNING INSTRUCTION v Training for citizenship . v Fostering the sense of national integration and International understanding v Environmental Awareness v Inculcation of Socio-Political and Cultural Values Televisions another function is to provide entertainment to people through the programs like Cinema, Serial, and Sports etc. Its role as an important communication medium is noteworthy for promoting national unity, developing economy and refining socio-cultural life of people. Its great contribution to humanity is education through different programs.
· An electronic device that we can store data.
· It gives information to the user.
· As a programmable electronic device that: (runs depending to the program