One might ask the question what is the risk, or what is the cost? Consequential based ethics breaks into two major schools of thought those are: Egoism, and Utilitarianism (Hollinger, 28). Consequential Egoism, is always looking for what is the highest good for ones experience. Epicurus held to these particular ideas and thoughts that, we naturally pursue personal pleasure or greatest good. Where as Consequential Utilitarianism represents the moral good or decision that is made for the greatest number and not just one. So just within this Consequentialism, one can see there may be many approaches to our question about using un-certified content in our churches. For if one is answering from a Egoism perspective, and the person using the content is trying to make their sermon point or illustration described by image or video, he /she might see this as a means to benefit or bring the greatest way to bring depth to their sermon. For it would bring highest pleasure to one knowing that their sermon might reach more with added illustrations. On the other hand said pastor might also see the greatest good for the church as a whole knowing that some learn audibly and others may learn better visually. However one of the major factors that I believe might play into the decision of a Consequentialist would be the size of the church on the greater scale. For …show more content…
When looking at how this population might approach the posed question it seems pretty straightforward. This group would more than likely look at the legal rules / laws of using non-certified content and the details of which how they can be viewed or shared. In reading those rules / laws this group would be more than likely to not use the image / videos for their service or promotion knowing that they would be breaking said laws in using the non-certified