Intelligent Information Retriever
Inception of Artificial Intelligence in Search Engines Paul S. Rosenbloom, John E. Laird
A Book Proposal
Abstract- The World Wide Web has become an invaluable information resource but the explosion of information available via the web has made web search a time consuming and complex process. Index-based search engines, such as AltaVista, Google or Infoseek help, but they are not enough. This paper describes the rationale, architecture, and implementation of a next generation information gathering system – a system that integrates several areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research under a single umbrella. Our solution to the information explosion is an information gathering agent, IIR , that plans to gather information to support a decision process, reasons about the resource trade-offs of different possible gathering approaches, extracts information from both unstructured and structured documents, and uses the extracted information to refine its search and processing activities.
The World Wide Web has given the researchers, businessmen, corporate, students, hobbyists and technical groups a medium by which they can share the information they have, with others. The ease of HTML and platform independence of the web documents has lead to a tremendous growth of the web, that has outstripped the technologies that are used to effectively search in these pages, as well as proper navigation and interpretation.[1]
With the aim of inception of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the searching techniques, the first step we have decided is
References: [1] J. Annis, Y. Zhao, et al., "Applying Chimera Virtual Data Concepts to Cluster Finding in the Sloan Sky Survey," Technical Report GriPhyN-2002-05, 2002. [2] P. Avery and I. Foster, "The GriPhyN Project: Towards Petascale Virtual Data Grids," Technical Report GriPhyN-2001-15, 2001. Distributed Computing, 2002. European Across Grids Conference, 2004. Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), 2003. Intelligence (IAAI), 2003. [14] DAML, 2003. [15] O