I learn best by following directions, asking lots of questions, making lists, and using methods that I have succeeded at using in the past. My learning pattern scores are as follows: Sequence 30, Precision 30, Technical Reasoning 20, and Confluence 17. I use Sequence and Precision on a use first basis, I use Technical Reasoning as needed, and I avoid using my Confluence learning pattern. As I take in the world around me, I have noticed that I am always asking for an exact way of doing things (Precision), and that I enjoy following recipes and step by step instructions (Sequence). When anything involving the Technical Reasoning learning pattern pops up in my life, I have to have some type of guidance or directions to get it done. Once I have received the guidance needed, I can complete the task just fine. I have also noticed that anything that happens that is unexpected (Confluence) or unplanned in my day to day life stresses me out a lot. Now that I have taken this class, I can stop and say “hey, that situation just called for me to use my Confluence learning pattern.”
My unique combination of Learning Patterns benefits me in lots of ways. I am able to read any directions, ask for clarity where it is needed, and complete the task at hand, every time. While taking this course, I always read over the chapter before I started the course week, I set alarms using my cell phone to