“Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.“
Cesar Chavez
Whatever people are going to spend a semester abroad or have a longer job-related standing or some job meetings with foreign persons, most of the them prepare for abidance linguistically. They learn vocabulary and read books about the political system, religion and the history. This kind of information is meaningful and important. But most of the time people forget that’s important to know the norms, thinking, daily habits and behavior of the foreign culture and also the own culture. For this there are many corporations, which are specified on intercultural training.
Especially in the time of globalization intercultural competence became more and more important. Contacts between companies, organization and individuals have to be successful. People of different cultures have to work together and come to a profitable solution. Often the value systems of the people have big differences. For example in China you have a complete difference behavior than in Germany or Jordan. If people of two cultures meet each other, there can be huge problems. A bad preparation, insufficient interest for the foreign culture, misunderstanding or conflicts can be causes a competitive disadvantage for the company and therefore increases costs.1
Consequently multinational companies try to decrease the number of failed projects. This can be prevented with a good preparation according to the culture in form of an intercultural training. These trainings have to be concerted to the efforts of the participants and a defined goal.
But Intercultural Behavior is not only a thematic in the industry. For example spending a semester abroad the students have to know about some rules and behavior in the foreign culture. In the following assignment is an explanation and description of the basics of intercultural training design and methods. Later the theory is