Technical Report: suitable for a target audience of researchers, research managers or other people familiar with and interested in the technicalities such as research design, sampling methods, statistical details etc.,
Popular Report: suitable for: a more general audience, interested mainly in the research findings as it is non-technical in nature.
The writing style is designed to facilitate easy and rapid reading and understanding of the research findings and recommendations. the interpretation of the results of data analysis in light of: the marketing research problem investigated, and the research design and methodology followed.
The research report is a means of communication that can be understood, believed, trusted by everyone who are likely to be affected by the research, and acted upon by the decision maker. the interpretation of the results of data analysis in light of: the marketing research problem investigated, and the research design and methodology followed.
The research report is a means of communication that can be understood, believed, trusted by everyone who are likely to be affected by the research, and acted upon by the decision maker. the interpretation of the results of data analysis in light of: the marketing research problem investigated, and the research design and methodology followed.
The research report is a means of communication that can be understood, believed, trusted by everyone who are likely to be affected by the research, and acted upon by the decision maker. the researcher should discuss: the major findings, conclusions, and recommendations with the key decision makers. necessary to ensure that the report meets the client's needs and is ultimately accepted.
The entire marketing research project: should be summarized in a single written report or in several reports addressed to different readers. should present the findings in such a way that they can be used