Date: December 8, 2012
School: Sumter Central High School
Facilitator: Mr. Eddie Jackson 8.6 Conflict Resolution Work File When typing your answers, please use black ink.
Site 1 Conflict Management Style
This activity will help you determine your natural style for dealing with conflict. It is useful to assess your predominant conflict management style(s) because we all tend to prefer one or two of the styles and at times may apply them inappropriately.
Read the information available from the DSP Training Resources site in lesson 8.6. 1. What animal symbolizes your method for dealing with conflict? (name) (5 points).
The Collaborating Owl
Write a description of your conflict management style? Discuss three reasons why this method of dealing with conflict is negative or positive? Owls use a collaborating or problem confronting conflict management style valuing their goals and relationships.
A. Owls is positive when peer conflict is involved, both sides get what they want and negative feelings eliminated.
B. when trying to gain commitment through consensus building, both sides gets what they want and negative feelings eliminated.
C. when learning and trying to merge differing perspectives, both sides gets what they want and negative feelings eliminated.
Conflict Resolution Role-Play Script Directions:
Please read and select a case scenario, which can be located in lesson 8.6.
Using the steps for conflict resolution, find a solution for one of the problems located on the activity page for this lesson. Note: You will need to devise a role-play or script for the scenario, using each one the six steps listed below. This script is a dialogue; remember a dialogue is a conversation between two people.
For example:1. Mutually agree on the time and place to discuss a serious issue. "Hey John, meet me in the library so we can discuss what happened today in class."2. Use an “I”