During the case study, each teacher was observed seven times. Mertzman observed and collected data approximately six months. Mertzman videotaped the class and conducted interview afterward regarding the interruption that the teacher used during the class. Mertzman interviewed both the teacher and student (separately) who were involved with the interruption. Mertzman asked the participant to explain their actions and thoughts during the videotape. Mertzman did not tell the participant that she was focused on interruption but rather focused on teacher- student interaction. Mertzman identified 1,498 interruptions during her study. The type of interruptions shown in this study are provided below.
Mrs. Pallen Mrs. Pallen was one of the participant of the study. She has been a teacher for 10 years and is a “Star” teacher. In the study Mrs. Pallen “showed differenced in the way she described her ethnic minority students” (Mertzman 193) Mrs. Pallen identified two students as ethnic minority. In the interview with Mertzman Mrs. Pallen commented that the two ethnic minority students need extra discipline and challenging. It was found that Mrs. Pallen did not scold her students of ethnic minority and that …show more content…
Ellen is the third participant of the study and has been a teacher for ten years. She identified two of her students as ethnic minority. Mertzman observed that one of the students she seldom interrupted while the other she singled out. Mrs. Ellen would talk of him (the student she singled out) as a problem and about his family in front of the class. In the interview, she mentions that he had lazy work habits and was hard to motivate him, which frustrated her. Mrs. Ellen was focus more on behavior and homework rather than “scaffolding or coaching his literacy” (Mertzman 198). Her interruptions with these students did not focus on meaning but rather on word recognition and phonics. Mrs. Ellen also repeated fewer answers and provided less