The Author of the book Cleveland states that the interwar era in the Arab world directly related with the domination of Anglo-France. England was directly controlling the Egypt and indirectly the other 5 states, emerged from the Ottoman Empire, with the France.
Cleveland continues with that the League of Nations accepted the division of Former Ottoman Arab provinces into new states and give permission to the France and Britain to rule them in a mandatory status. And author explains the reason of this: the belief of these states can not rule themselves and they need some countries to help them. This is the exact example of the Orientalism.
He mentions a similarity of the WW1 and WW2. Just as the WW1 loosend Ottoman Empire’s affectiveness over Arab provinces, the WW2 accelerated the end of Anglo-France domination on the Middle East and paved a way to proclamination of independences of all big states in the region.
Than he starts to talk about countries in the Middle East. In Turkey abolishing the sultanate after the WW1 was an end of the ottoman political age but this also led to an Turkish political era which provided to select caliphate of the Islam by election. And continues with the identification the Ataturk’s six principles.
So what