Introduction to cooperative 1. Concepts of cooperatives The sprit of association is inherent which all mankind acquire it naturally. Not only human being but also animals cooperate themselves in order to survive and get and get what ever they want. The association that started in the family extended to form an organization through which their social and economic needs could be satisfied. The urge and desire to fulfill the need became the main reason for people to come together for the purpose of cooperative. History tells us that man can’t successfully live by himself and for him self alone. He is dependent on other on one or other aspects. Therefore, in order to live successfully, these dependent organs form an organization which is known as cooperative society. We can see the concepts of cooperative classifying into ; i. Primitive concepts of cooperative ii. Modern concepts of cooperative i. Primitive concepts of cooperative
In primitive societies, the lives of the community were not complex or sophisticated; people led a simple way of life with only a few wants. Even during this simple way of life time/period, people had been cooperated in collecting fruit and the in hunting, later in agricultural aspect. So we can confidently say that cooperative was considered as a way of leading a better life. In primitive societies, cooperative societies were: * Related to culture, religion and social aspects * Not perceived as a type of business organization * Considered as a way of leading a better life * Play a great role in avoiding exploitation of one class by other. ii. Modern concepts of cooperative
A historical event existed in Europe in the end of 18th century. It was a period of considerable stress and challenges. Great changes took place in the economic, social and political system in Europe especially Great Britain. The result of industrial revolution were * Production and