List of figures Figure 1: the travel experience (killion, 1992 after Clawson (1963)) 5 Figure 2: the three phases of the vacation experience (Craig - Smith & French, 1994) 5 Figure 3: tourist typologies (Mehmetoglu, 2004) 7
1. Introduction
Tourist experiences can’t be bought. They can only take shape in the mind of the tourist. (Tommy, 2007) 1.1 Purpose:
This paper aims to understand what drives a tourist and to identify the factors which influence their choices. To identify the link between the motives of the tourist and phases which they go through in the process of experiences and to identify how this relates to the types of tourists. 1.2 Scope:
This paper has a central discipline that being the tourism field. This paper will provides information based on literature and electronic sources to indicate the phases of tourist’s experiences, the motives of the tourist and the categories that tourists may be identified by. This paper will also provide a personal experience which will be applied to the literature. 1.3 Limitations:
Limitations of this paper include the word restriction limiting full explanation and in depth inquiry. The material used are from secondary source, however the reliability of these sources have been taken into account. 1. Literature review 2.4 The five phases of tourist experiences
Most literature on the experience