Transition and school readiness are complex issues which have a major impact on children’s holistic development. How well this process is facilitated and how practitioners view children’s school readiness will shape and influence their future learning. Early experiences during the transition period from early childhood settings to more structured and formal learning environments have implications for children’s life trajectories and their ability to become adjusted citizens as individuals and well-functioning members of society. Early childhood practitioners play a critical role in establishing strong foundations for the successful transition between environments. Furthermore, they are in an influential position to promote and extend existing skills and knowledge.
This report reviews how the set literature has informed our positions regarding this issue, how this links to constructions of childhood, wellbeing and ethics and builds on Assignment 1 to associate our thinking and findings.
This encompasses an analysis of the main factors impacting on transition and school readiness and explores current pedagogical practices in early childhood. It also critically reflects on the importance of the rights of the child and will be viewed in the context of duties of early childhood professionals with regards to children’s education and the transitions between educational environments. In addition to the above, the effects of positive and negative relationships will be investigated. This report concludes with recommendations of best practice relating to transition and school readiness.
2. Transition for children from informal to formal settings – Literature review
In reviewing the set literature, it was evident that most readings support the notion that successful transition from informal to formal education settings is imperative in determining children’s next steps.
When insufficient
References: Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Governments, (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming. The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from Bernard Van Leer Foundation, (2007), Issue Area Framework Summary, Successful Transitions: The Continuum from Home to School. Retrieved from Centre for Community Child Health, (2008), Policy Brief 10 2008, Rethinking School Readiness. Retrieved from Department of Education and Children’s Services, (2007), DECS Learner Wellbeing Framework for Birth to Year 12. Adelaide. Retrieved from Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, (2011). Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, Evidence Paper. Practice Principle 4: Equity and Diversity. Prepared by Saffigna, M., Franklin, D., Church, A. &Tayler, C. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Melbourne. Retrieved from Docket, S., Mason, T. & Perry, B., (2006). Successful transition to school for Australian aboriginal Children: The 2005 International Focus issue of Childhood Education focused on the education of aboriginal and indigenous children. Association for Childhood Education International, Vol. 82, No.3, p. 139. Early Childhood Australia, (2006), Code of Ethics, retrieved 26 January 2013 from Hopps, K. (2004). Teacher Communication across the Preschool-School Boundary. AJEC, Vol. 29, No.1, March. pp. 8-13. Woodrow, C. (1999). Revisiting images of the child in early childhood education: Reflections and considerations. AJEC, Vol. 24, No 4, December, pp. 7-12.