A good starting point when reflecting on our own practice is to go back to the early years…
Ways in which families were greeted at arrival time to help children’s transition from home to child care. Before they start childcare they allow time for parents to visit the new program with their child before the start date. Which gives parents and staff time to begin building relation. The teacher tries to get to know the parents, they often ask them questions. In the morning they usually try to have a short conversation to check on the parent and child.…
Offer the child ‘settling in’ sessions, where they can visit the room they might be moving to, to see what its like and help them to understand the rooms routine…
There are many key issues that affect the practice of helping children prepare for changes and transitions in their lives. One such issue is gathering information to support the child. Adults need to find out as much information as they can about the setting, so that they can give the best support for them, so as not to ‘raise expectations or mislead children’ in any way. It can be crushing for a child who had high expectations and could cause some difficulty in allowing them to settle…
Practitioners in the setting need to have a good rapport with parents as everyone needs to feel respected and valued. Good communication will help to establish any needs, allergies and abilities a child may have, from using different words to describe things to being able to read simple words. Using a clear voice and appropriate language when talking to the parents is essential so that everything can be heard and there is no room for confusion. Having a meeting with the parents before the child starts will enable a setting to cater to the child’s needs effectively. It is important that all parents are made to feel welcome and valued within the setting, this can be done by having resources on show that show the settings positive attitude towards disabilities and different cultures (EYFS card Parents as partners 2.2).… Transition Program- This is a preparatory placement program in a parallel academic class, thereafter the learner with cognitive deficiency may be integrated in the regular class…
There is a range of early years settings as families requirements for early years settings vary greatly:…
3.3 There are many agencies that we work with to help with children and young peoples development. When we look at behavioural development, social interactions and speech development all these agencies link together. We use nursery transition days to help the child settle into their new environments and arrange intake visits and meetings with the school for a smoother transition. Social services is used if we have any concerns of a child's well being so then police and a designated social worker would also be involved. The health team are always on hand to help if any families need support with parenting or any development issues. They will then offer parents appropriate courses such as nurturing. At Playgroup we can point in the right direction of any help needed such as our family intervention officers who go into the family homes and will discuss any problems families may have. We run a language and play session which families are invited to where they can enjoy some one to one time with their child to do various activities that will enhance development and build parents confidence too. We have various teachers who can give us support too that work within flying start that can give advice on children's development and help observe children if we feel there are any problems. Also we can offer one to one support to children if they need it as many of us have had relevant training through senco.…
For this extended assignment I have decided to look at children transitioning from day nursery to school. Transitioning from one place to another can be scary for small children so it is important that we support the children through the transition. Moving from nursery to school can be quite scary for children because they are two different settings. A nursery is a much smaller setting that has a few small rooms and a small garden area for the children. A nursery is quite a relaxed cozy place with a small amount of staff and children. A school setting is much bigger than a nursery that has bigger sized rooms and a bigger sized yard. Also a school is much more structured than a nursery and has a lot more children as schools go up to the age of eleven. Also in a school setting they may come across male staff which they may not have had in nursery. It is important that children have a successful transition from nursery to school has this can be a terrifying thing for them as it is different to what they are used to.…
E50097040.CU1533 - CU1533 - Context and principles for early years progression - Explain the legal status and principles of the relevant early years framework/s, and how national and local guidance materials are used in settings Some of the legal statues to keep in mind is Safe guarding and welfare requirements, child protection, suitable people with correct qualification, training, staff to child ratios, behavior management, safe and suitable premises and equipment, information and records kept accurate and up to date. Four guiding principles are used for early years: • every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured; • children learn to be strong and independent through…
The main transitions in a nursery setting are room moves meaning as the child gets older they will need to move up in rooms, they will also experience school moves i.e. nursery to school, school to secondary school, secondary school to college. There are many other transitions children and young people may experience these include moving house, parents separating, carer changing and swapping schools/nursery etc.…
When the little girl in my care was due to start preschool I arranged to stay with her for the first few times until she had got to know the place and all teachers . This helped her settle a lot quicker and caused less stress and anxiety to the family. At home also I was planning activities to help such as playing schools,with each of us taking turns to be the teacher. I encouraged her to be independent in going to the toilet and seeing to her own needs and we practiced putting her coat on by herself, all things to help with the transition. All the time I was explaining what is going to happen and what it might mean to her. To support our play and this important change in her life I also used puppets , painting and stories which can all help children to understand and come to terms with changes and transitions in their lives. And we as a adults can help by listening to them , and by being honest and…
For this assignment I will be focusing on a child aged 7/8 entering local authority care, this is an emotional transition. I will be focusing on the the different key issues involved with this transition, these key issues include, planning and preparation of the transition and the effects of the transition.…
“The most important factors in easing the transitions is about making sure children are confident, and able to deal with the social, practical and behavioural demands of the classroom and the playground, it involves preparing children socially and emotionally as well as intellectually and educationally.” (CACHE LEVEL 3 Early Years Educator, T. Bruce, C. Meggit (1:20, 07/07/2016)…
‘Early years practitioners have a key role to play in working with parents to support their young children. This should include identifying learning needs and responding quickly to any difficulties. Wherever appropriate, practitioners should work together with professionals from other agencies, such as local and community health and social services, to identify needs and provide the best learning opportunities for children. Partnership working may be required in particular for a child with disabilities or a child who is looked after in care.’ (Early Years Foundation Stage Practice Guidance 2008 pg. 6)…