INVISIBLE CHILDREN The film, Invisible Children, is about three young American men who travel to the Sudan to document a hidden holocaust that most people are unaware of. This hidden holocaust is fronted by a man named Joseph Kony. Joseph Kony is the leader of the LRA which stands for Lord’s Resistance Army. Kony has been kidnapping children and turning them into child soldiers for many years. Joseph Kony and the LRA have abducted over 50,000 children from the ages of 5 to 12. As a result of fear, children leave their homes at night and commute to town to sleep under the verandas of hospitals. These three young men found a tragedy and an experience that changed their lives, as well as many who have seen their footage, forever. …show more content…
This woman had opened up an orphanage which has over one hundred children. Most of these children are orphans due to a AIDS epidemic that took the lives of their parents. After Kenya, they traveled to their destination of Northern Uganda. The infrastructure and faces seen on the documentary are ones to not be forgotten. This film communicates non-verbally to viewers in many ways. The scenes of the children who are so skinny from lack of food that they look like bones and a pot belly is disheartening. This captures the heart in a very sad and weak moment.
When the children travel to town to hide from the LRA, they stock pile into a room where it could be flooded with water and they would sleep. The children put their health at risk as a result of fear from the LRA. It is beyond upsetting when the documentary shows how many children sleep in one spot and the conditions of where they are. The children do not have to speak for one to see the struggle and war they are fighting every day just to stay alive. A life like that is not one meant for a