1. What are accommodations?
Accommodations are changes to the way material is presented and provide the student with the ability to learn the same content at the same level while at the same time requiring the student to maintain the same grading level and scope as other students.
2. How do they differ from modifications?
Modifications do change the learning expectations of the student with a reduction in the number of assignments, the grading scale level of learning
3. A student’s accommodations might differ from one setting to another. Explain why this might be the case and offer an example.
Changing demands throughout the school day could affect the accommodations necessary for the …show more content…
b. Suggest at least four types of information that Mrs. Watkins can share in an upcoming IEP meeting to help identify appropriate accommodations.
Behavior observations, any difficulties focusing, any accommodations already being used, educational performance.
c. List at least two presentation accommodations and two response accommodations the IEP team might identify for the student. Explain how these accommodations might help.
Two presentation accommodations are Visual and tactile. Would assist a student who has low vison or no vision to understand the material being presented for learning. Two response accommodations are recorded responses and use of a scribe. Would assist a student in note taking, testing and learning the material who have difficulty taking notes or understanding the material being presented.
d. Based on the presentation and responses accommodations recommended above, what tips might be helpful for Mrs. Watkins to maximize her student’s success?
Print off the PowerPoint for the student to have a copy and be able to follow along easier. Allow the scribe to assist the student with note taking. Place the student in an area of the classroom with better lighting or closer to the screen. Point to or circle the student responses or verbally respond. Assign another student to assist with lab work or have the student explain the process for the experiment