Sometimes when acting you can’t see your mistake, which is one of the toughest parts. If you can’t see your mistakes how can you learn from them? Sometimes we need modeling to understand more and to learn more. Even though acting is harder than you may think you must try to get it by talking about different circumstances or tactics. Recent studies have shown that when learning it is the greatest at a different point of view, or change. In theater a different point of change is not only by the plot but also by the rhythm. The problem is that we make more and more moments important in a play but not everything is important. One of the most common ways to change that is by saying the less important lines quicker than the most important line. Louder doesn’t necessarily mean quicker. By doing this it helps the actor emphasize the most important part. Now that we know that actors not only can make lines important than others, they can make moments more important than others also. This means by throwing the line away. In order to do this you must make the line less important by getting rid of it quickly.
By reading this article an actor can utilize this information to make it benefited to them because