First though, let us agree that regardless of the route we take, our goal in all our pursuits remain essentially the same: Happiness.
The problem with most people is that in their pursuit of this state of mind, they often sacrifice too much, sometimes sacrificing even happiness itself along the way! As a result, just when they think they have finally captured the cage that should hold joy and satisfaction, such as by getting to the peak of one's career, they soon discover that the cage is empty. How tragic!
Take money or financial success for example. The extent to which money contributes to happiness is probably the most misunderstood phenomenon on earth. Now please do not take me wrong. Money is very important to have in our society. In fact the Late Jim Rohn Says it ranks right up there with oxygen. But as a result, it is highly overrated by most people.
Meanwhile various researches have repeatedly proven that slightly above the poverty line, subsequent financial success contributes less and less to a person's state of happiness. This has to be true; otherwise, why are suicide rates among wealthy people and lottery winners among the highest?
Likewise those who see fame as the ultimate in life; they soon get disillusioned. Drug overdose and, yes, suicide are particularly high among very famous people. Why? Surely fame has brought them real happiness. So then what? Yes, what things are truly the most important in life?
I would propose that the most important things in life are those that bring the greatest happiness to ourselves and those around us. Top on this list would be genuine love and rich relationships, such as is shared among true friends and family members. Next on my list would be a measure of good health and a good relationship with the