ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol.5, No.25, 2013
Is there a Relationship between Employees Satisfaction and their
Performance?: the Case of Teachers in Tanzania GovernmentOwned Schools
Salimu Abushiri Jinyevu
School of Economics & Business Administration, Central China Normal University,
152 Luoyu Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, 430079, P.R. China Abstract
This paper examines the existing relationship between employees satisfaction and their job performance by analyzing the determinants of the two variables (Satisfaction & Performance); how they complement each other and what is the impact of this relation to an organization so as to widen the understanding of the phenomenon to both employers and employees in order to increase performance and achievements with reference to Tanzania’s education sector.
Considering teachers work in government-owned primary and secondary schools in Tanzania as a sample, this paper employs secondary data, interview, personal observation and experience in the Tanzanian education sector to examine the relationship between satisfaction and performance, influence and repercussions.
The findings show not only a positive correlation between job satisfaction dimensions and employees performance, but also positive influence of job satisfaction on job performance thus satisfied employees are highly motivated, have higher job morale and perform better than those who are dissatisfied.
Key words: Relationship, employees, job satisfaction, job performance, teachers, government-owned schools.
1. Introduction
Job satisfaction plays a vital role for any organization to achieve its goals and missions. It is not a new subject since it captured the attention of many scholars for many decades (Zembylas & Papanastasiou, 2006 cited by
Ngimbudzi, 2009). It refers to the degree or level of contentment (Agho Et all, 1993) or discontent of an
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