After studying this case, references and theories, I could not help thinking about traditional Chinese philosophical approach which I am deeply rooted as a Chinese. In contract to modern Western science which is heavily based on experiments and quantitative data gathering and statistical analysis, Chinese thinkers and philosophers traditionally draw conclusions based on observations, inference and intuition. Hereby I attempt to combine the two into what I call Job Satisfaction Model (shaped like a “spider web”) that may help summarize what I have learned and concluded from this study.
People of different race, religion, sex, geography and culture have certain desires in common and yet the way to fulfill these desires may differ. This job satisfaction model outlines the desires or driving job satisfaction factors that determines to what extent a person is satisfied with his or her job which in turns determines if he or she will stay with the company or pursuing something else. As illustrated in Figure ??, the main categorical job satisfaction factors as follows:
Compensation mix Advancement opportunity
Team attachment Job challenge
Personal matters Self realization
1) Compensation mix: The basic goal for anyone who works for someone else or any institutions is to get compensation for a living. It usually consists base salary, benefits, bonuses, perks and other monetary or non-monetary forms of desirable retreatment. An employee would compare with compare with whatever he or she finds which creates comfort if he or she feels well compensated or anxiety if otherwise is true. One may also evaluate the company’s financial wellbeing and stability towards his own security and stability. This is a common factor for someone to leave a company for better opportunities.
2) Team attachment: Old or young person intends to associate with people with sameness, compatibility, comfort, interests. An employee in a