An American free society is supposed to be 100% free. Free to come and leave, speak their minds, and be a democratic society. American have given themselves a reputation to have a very high standard of morality and ethics. With that being said if torture is considered to be morally wrong then does …show more content…
According to the Human Rights Education Association, "under the international criminal prosecution system all governments are responsible for prosecuting torture offenders". Universal jurisdiction is the principal that requires all countries to decide whether to torture offenders where they are located or to extradite them to the country in which the offense occurred, if that is the case. Even though there are international laws against torture due to human rights in various countries, it continues to go I without consequences. If torture is allowed it could have worldwide implications; this is where the catchphrase monkey see, monkey do; comes in. If one country is accused and proven to torture, then other countries and their citizens would assume that they can do it …show more content…
If the consequences that resulted from torturing someone to retrieve information had a good outcome and the information is useful, then it is possible that people would determine torture to be a good consequence. If the results are bad then the act would be determined wrong. Yet there are some people that believe the risk would be worth taking. One would think that people - knowing it is a possibility that they would be tortured for committing a crime- they would think twice about their actions. However this theory is incorrect. Teleologists use hierarchy based upon the quality; the belief is that the goodness of justice is worth more than the goodness of pleasure. The justification for torture would not be used for pleasure buy for justice instead.
Another theory that might be used to justify torture is the deontological theory. This theory is defined as the intent or consequences of an act that is considered to be inferior unless the act is correct. With this theory torture could be considered inconsequential; and is considered moral or immoral on two circumstances: 1) what they are and )2) what principle they conform to. Torture will reveal the truth, and if the truth is good regardless of how it was obtained. With that being said if torture is proved to be harmful it make no difference if the end results