Flash-forward from 1915 to 2016 and the transitions are overwhelming. The advancement of over a century would make Gregor’s antennas whirl right off! Gregor being a cockroach in 2016 would cause an uproar in media. His house would be surrounded with reporters and pictures of him would go viral on the internet. In the 1915, when the original story was based there was no television or internet. Without ways for mass communication, Gregor’s story …show more content…
Due to his situation the family would qualify for types of government assistance. With the entire family being unemployed and Gregor becoming disabled they could have checks coming in the mail every month. This would help the family’s frustration tremendously but the financial advantages do not stop there. In the story Gregor was terminated from his job due to his new body type, in 2016 he would be able to sue the company for discrimination. This court case would bring in a cash settlement that would also please all of his relatives. Even though his family would be benefitting from these aids Gregor would receiving they would still resent him, especially his father. This money would not erase the embarrassment and disgust they have for him and how much baggage Gregor is to the family. The family would continue to shut Gregor out and make him feel like he owes them each dime he receives just for dealing with him. This again is another time Gregor would be isolated and