ITM 309 Fall 2010 Exam Two Review Outline – November 3, 2010
Ethics and Information Security – Chapter 4 1. Business Ethics
Ethics – the principles and standards that guide our behavior toward other people Issues affected by technology advances: 1) Intellectual property- Intangible creative work that is embodied in physical form 2) Copyright- The legal protection afforded an expression of an idea, such as a song, video game, and some types of proprietary documents 3) Fair use doctrine- In certain situations, it is legal to use copyrighted material 4) Pirated software- The unauthorized use, duplication, distribution, or sale of copyrighted software 5) Counterfeit software- Software that is manufactured to look like the real thing and sold as such Privacy is a major ethical issue 1) Privacy – the right to be left alone when you want to be, to have control over your own personal possessions, and not to be observed without your consent 2) Confidentiality – the assurance that messages and information are available only to those who are authorized to view them
BW: Ethics 101 for Interns
Ethics in the Workplace: 1) Workplace monitoring is a concern for many employees 2) Organizations can be held financially responsible for their employees’ actions 3) The dilemma surrounding employee monitoring in the workplace is that an organization is placing itself at risk if it fails to monitor its employees, however, some people feel that monitoring employees is unethical IT and Ethics (Individuals form the only ethical component of Information Technology): 1) Individuals copy, use , and distribute software 2) Search organizational databases for sensitive and personal information 3) Individuals create and spread viruses 4) Individuals hack into computer systems to steal information 5) Employees destroy and steal information
Security Management Planning and Lines of Defense
Information Security – the protection of information from