Lawson is renowned for her flirtatious manner of presenting, although she argues, "It’s not meant to be flirtatious, I don’t have the talent to adopt a different persona. It's intimate, not flirtatious". The perceived overt sexuality of her presentation style has led to Lawson's being called the "queen of food porn”. Many commentators have alluded to Lawson's attractiveness, and she was once named as one of the
Lawson is renowned for her flirtatious manner of presenting, although she argues, "It’s not meant to be flirtatious, I don’t have the talent to adopt a different persona. It's intimate, not flirtatious". The perceived overt sexuality of her presentation style has led to Lawson's being called the "queen of food porn”. Many commentators have alluded to Lawson's attractiveness, and she was once named as one of the