NUR 403
Michelle Howell
May 9, 2011
Instructor: Stephanie Merck
The purpose of this paper is to explain the association of nurse/ patient interaction in the concept of
Watson’s theory. I will explore the transpersonal caring in relation to caring factors. Analyzing major
theory assumptions related to person, health nursing and environment in the context of the caring
moment. Caring theory will be displayed in the professional aspects of my nursing practice. Caring nurse,
health education, healing environment and application of caring affect to person is applied throughout this
History Jean Watson has brought to nursing her theory of caring and 10 caring factors. Watson
defines caring as the ethical and moral ideal of nursing that has interpersonal and humanistic
qualities. It is a complex concept involving development of a range of knowledge, skills, and
expertise encompassing holism, empathy, communication clinical competence, technical proficiency
and interpersonal skills (Watson, Jackson, & Borbasi, 2005). Watson’s theory traces back through
30 years, the earliest was put in textbook nursing curriculum at the University of Colorado.
The theory contains Watson (1999) describes nursing as transpersonal that “conveys a human to-
human connection in which both persons are influenced through the relationship and being-together
in the moment. This human connection... has a spiritual dimension . . . that can tap into healing”
(p. 290).
Transpersonal Caring and Caring Factors
Transpersonal caring has four components, self, phenomenal field, actual caring occasion of the
patient and the nurse, and intersubjectivity (Davis, 2005).
Self is defined in Davis, (2005) as, “I and me perception of relationship of I and me to others and to
various aspects of life together with the values attached to those perceptions.”
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