Leadership Self-Assessment: Readiness (p.11)
Score 75
Interpretation 60-89: Moderate readiness for a leadership role. I see myself being able take up challenging role as a leader. I will be ready to implement important decisions with the help of other team members, and I will see myself as a team player.
Skill Development In order to improve on my leadership skills, I must overcome challenging roles, and also learn from it. I will also learn from experienced supervisors. I will also take up the leading roles in leadership assignment, most especially when it comes to group work.
Leadership Self-Assessment: Task Orientation (p.115)
Score 8
Interpretation This shows that I have a high task orientation ethics. I am able to get my job done in the way I am supposed to. I follow the rules and guide lines to make sure I am in compliance. I also use the skills and knowledge learnt in MBA classes to get my job done
Skill Development I need to learn how to an attentive listener, pay attention to group members contribution, sometimes during group deliberation, I tend to make my own suggestion paramount, but I later realized that more attentions needs to be given team members.. I have to work constantly with a team to develop my skills in decision-making. I will have to improve my skills promoting skills and values in order to improve on organization’s efficiency.
Leadership Self-Assessment: Style (p.125)
Score 19
Interpretation This shows I am a participative leader, I always try to put in my best to get the job done in a timely manner. Furthermore, I am very open to suggestions.
Skill Development I will need to learn more skills to be a participative leader, I am a very shy person, but I am trying to build my self-confidence. I have a tendency for making my decision paramount without considering others, which is why I have to listen and evaluate other people’s suggestion. I will also love to