Health Series No. 6
Raising Awareness of
Stress at Work in
Developing Countries
A modern hazard in a traditional working environment
Advice to employers and worker representatives
Protecting Workers '
Health Series No. 6
Raising Awareness of
Stress at Work in
Developing Countries
A modern hazard in a traditional working environment
Advice to employer and worker representatives
Protecting Workers’ Health Series No. 6
Irene Houtman
Karin Jettinghoff
TNO Work & Employment
Polarisavenue 151
2130 AS Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Leonor Cedillo
Occupational Health researcher
Caballocalco 35 – 7
Coyoacan, 04000, D.F.
Technical Editors and Contributors
Evelyn Kortum, Occupational Health, Public Health and Environment, World Health
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Stavroula Leka, Institute of Work, Health & Organizations, University of Nottingham, UK
Jane Bowring, Corporate Health and Work-Life, Geneva, Switzerland
Cover page layout
Tuula Solasaari-Pekki
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
Linda Puiatti Other booklets from the Protecting Workers ' Health Series:
No 1: Preventing health risks from the use of pesticides in agriculture
No 2: Understanding and performing economic assessments at the company level
No 3: Work organisation and stress at work
No 4: Raising awareness of psychological harassment at work
No 5: Preventing musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace
No 7: A practical guide for the use of research information to improve the quality of occupational health practice WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Houtman, Irene.
Raising awareness of stress at work in developing countries : a modern hazard in a traditional working environment : advice to employers and worker representatives / Irene Houtman, Karin Jettinghoff, Leonor
Protecting workers ' health series ; no. 6)
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