The theorists are John Dewey, Jean Piaget, B.F. Skinner, Howard Gardner, and Lev Vygotsky. John Dewey’s philosophy made an influence on education. He believed that it is important to emphasize children and their interests rather than subject matter. This influenced me because I believe that children won’t have a passion of learning if you do not consider the children’s interest when creating lessons. The curriculum needs to be child centered. Dewey saw teachers as guides and mentors. Rather than giving out the information, Dewey believed that teachers should help the students discover the information for …show more content…
For example, when you are working with a student that is able to read, it is important to not pick a book that the child can read perfectly, but rather a book that is a little bit more challenging, that the student will need some support to read. The students zone of proximal development will eventually become higher because they have mastered the skills you were supporting them with. Scaffolding is not a phrase that Vygotsky used, but it is an idea that was created based on his work. To scaffold a student, it means that the teacher models or demonstrates how to solve a problem, and then stepping back so the student can try and do it on his\her own, offering support when