way of letting them know he has a problem and would like them to get her under control. The sad truth is sometimes a title doesn’t equate to automatic power or authority. Jose and Helen both acted unethically in she decided to present an idea not yet approved by her superiors. Jose sent out a memo to the staff when he could have better handled the situation by setting up a meeting to further voice his concerns without alerting the entire staff.
There are quite a few ways a leader can gain, sustain and lose power.
A leader can cultivate a relationship of trust by showing integrity in their actions. Also, a leader can choose to communicate their vision clear and responsibly so followers will be well informed about the leader’s vision (Lussier & Achua, 2015). If the leader wants to sustain their leadership position after gaining the following they will then need to encourage their followers to become leaders in their own right. A good leader will sustain his relationships by finding a way to merge some of their followers’ ideas and suggestions into their vision. In contrast, if they only bark orders and never encourage their followers this will cause distrust in communication and ultimately disconnect to their once strong connection to that leader’s