Julius Caesar's Assassination Analysis
The meaning of assassination is restore the Republic, but the Republic had been composed by Caesar. He settled works for governors and senators for many years before his death. “Caesar that benefited individuals and groups could not be rescinded” (159 Mackay). Caesar was intelligent leader that organized his country well so even the after death, Republic could have a straight drive on the road base on Caesar’s plans. “They completely miss lead situation” (159 Mackay). Even after death of Caesar the Republic ran well; the Conspirator did kill tyrants but the outcome was idleness. “The conspirators expected the republic simply to start functioning again”(159 Mackay). They simply thought restoration is not a problem but worstly Roman didn’t
restored republic, but they made it to Empire with the name of Caesar. “Certainly be most truthful to describe it as monarchy” ( 91 Don). The meaning of assassination was fell and made it to dictatorship.