Our health depends on what we eat daily. The right selection and preference of food makes the person perfect in all their spheres. Now a days most of the people like Junk food and it is very popular among adult as well as in children. India’s fast food industry is growing by 40% a year. India is in 10th place in fast food per capita spending figures with 2.1% of expenditure of annual total spending. The preventable diseases caused mainly due to poor diet as Junk food consumption and lack of exercise could kill millions of people. The effects of Junk food include nutritional deficiency, obesity, increased cholesterol level, cardiac problems and many other threatening health hazards. A key role of nurses is to educate the people on various aspects about ill effects of Junk foods in a variety of settings such as schools, colleges, community organization, health fairs and child care …show more content…
The study shows that the maximum 55% students were having moderate level of knoweledge on ill effects of junk foods, 40% were having inadequate knowledge and 5% were having adequate knowledge .
The present study reveals that there was no significant relationship between the students knowledge level on ill effects of junk foods with demographic variables.
The I year B.Sc., Nursing students knowledge regarding ill effects of Junk foods was assessed by using convenient sampling technique. In this study 33(40%) were having inadequate (less than 50%) knowledge. It shows that there is a need of improvement in awareness on ill effects of Junk