Aristotle strongly supported this because he reckons that a man is a social creature who is capable of speech and forming a political community. It is as if men where naturally equipped with the ability to practice reason in order to satisfy their needs. Because humans were perceived in this way, it becomes standard to involve themselves in political associations. In order to oppose the rise of inequity in a state, people choose to step out and defy against what makes a situation unjust. Participating in political revolutions give people the opportunity to raise awareness to those who are unmindful of the importance equality brings. As they continue to voice out their opinions and sentiments on what is deemed to be unjust, revolts act as a wake up call to encourage others in fighting for equity. Revolutions have become a platform for people to politically exercise their abilities in perceiving what is just from what is not. Aristotle points out that man’s natural function is to use reason. By joining political rebellions, it allows people to think sharply. Because men have the urge to live in communities that promote a good life, they are always searching for their desires. The desire to achieve equality helps people express themselves in a way that promotes what is deserved for all. It gives them the capacity to rebel while giving others the realizations on how much political issues affect them and how they …show more content…
Although it may seem dangerous and complicated, revolutions are set out to help us in giving meaning to fighting for what is just. Resulting with justice, a greater sense of awareness and an opportunity for change, these are what help men to grow and achieve what they deserve and what is fitting in their nature. There may be rulers and citizens, superiors and inferiors, the wealthy and the poor, but we all belong to one world- a world that is always in a constant desire for