Usamriid went into a state of Delta Alert on September 11 and activated its emergency response teams when the first anthrax letters were opened in New York and Washington, D.C. Preston reports, in unprecedented detail, on the government’s response to the attacks and takes us into the ongoing FBI investigation. His story is based on interviews with top-level FBI agents and with Dr. Steven Hatfill.…
When former President George W. Bush said, "Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children.” He had no idea how precise his words were more than a decade later. It has been about twelve years since 9/11 and for many people it seems like just yesterday when they witnessed the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center tumbling to the ground, United Airlines Flight 93 hurtling into a meadow in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and the abysmal hole left behind at the Pentagon after the impact of American Airlines Flight 77. Countless people lost family members or knew someone who did. However, whether or not you lost one of the 2,996 victims, everyone felt the singe left behind by the sinister and corrupt events that transpired that fateful day. Although the terrorist attacks affected everyone in ways we cannot imagine, by learning more about the origins of 9/11, we can comprehend the perplexing situation and possibly find a way to safeguard lives to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again.…
Enter Charles Krauthammer, the author of, “The 9/11 “Overreaction”? Nonsense.” This charming essay on his version of the after effects of 9/11 in the US and his take on it was originally published in the Washington Post on September 8th, 2011, 3 days before the 10th anniversary of the fall of American communal trust. In it, he claims that the event was an eye opener, the act revealing to the general public that we, in terms of military and preparedness, were not prepared enough as a nation. It unleased “the massive and unrelenting American war on terror, a systematic worldwide campaign carried…
On September 11, 2001, It was just an ordinary day for everyone living in New York City and Washington D.C, doing their usual routine, but those were about to change in a single beat. Two big towers were completely destroyed, 4 huge commercial airplanes were crashed, one hit the field of Pennsylvania, and the pentagon were almost demolished in a flashed of an eye, a horrible experienced that caused a dramatic reaction not only to the people who saw it but to the people who were in contact of 9/11. After all the attacked, this is something that the Americans will never forget. “This wasn't al Qaeda's first terrorist attack, but it was the deadliest”.(Ojalvo,1)…
Arguably the event that transpired on the 9th of September 2001 transformed the lives of Americans completely. The days when Americans flew in planes without any threat of terrorism on US soil are long gone. In fact, terrorism has become a common vocabulary that most third graders are familiar with it. They may not comprehend what the word means, but they are aware of it and understand that it is not something pleasant. Fifteen years after the event of 9/11, Americans are not yet safe, but elaborate border security measures have been put in place to secure the US homeland (U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, n.d).…
Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness was created to coordinate efforts against bioterrorism and other emergency health threats.…
Since 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States, all levels of law enforcement have implemented several new ideas and protocols. There identifying and implementing programs that addresses and mitigates the terrorist. The identification and implementation of these protocols provides and the new threat of terrorism has set into motions a new perspective on security, by establishing the National Response Framework (NRF), the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), and the signs for identification of terrorist activity to provide a common set of standards.…
More than a decade after the September 11 terrorist attack, it took a lengthy period for the United States to get over the shock of such a bitter blow, and healed from it. Whereas this week's readings have associations for that catastrophe, and tells the facts of the case.…
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 have indeed affected the lives of Americans all over the United States. Everyone is aware that the events that took place on September 11th 2001 were a series of horrific tragedies, but they also brought a sense of unity amongst the nation, making Americans, in a sense, more patriotic. Along with this feeling of American pride and ‘standing as one’, Americans suddenly found something to unite against. While our military and government started a war in the Middle East, it seemed as if it became normalized to target anyone who shared the characteristics, religion, or background of al-Qaeda, those who were actually responsible for the September…
When people think of health care, they often think up images from their own experiences in doctors' offices, clinics, and hospitals. Then there are the images of intense drama and hustling and bustling in hospitals and emergency rooms such as those presented on television and in the movies. These are all part of the health care arena, but it extends far beyond the emergency room. Health care agencies and governmental agencies mission is to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for all Americans. One of the governmental agencies that I will review will be the Department of Health and Human Services. This governmental agency has the responsibility to manage a range of public health crisis that plays to protect the health of all Americans and provide essential human services especially for those that are least to help themselves. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for almost a quarter of all federal outlays and administers more grant dollars than all other federal agencies combined. The Health and Human Services is a governmental agency that has the one priority of protecting the health of all Americans. The agency has a response and preparedness program to ensure that communities and our nation has a plan against terrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, medical emergencies, and other public threats.…
It is not enough to merely partake in conversations regarding health disparities, inequities, and social injustices, there needs to be movement toward changing the systems that gave birth to them. Therefore, to better appreciate diverse informal elder caregivers and their care recipients, aging organizations and health care providers need a better understanding of their values, belief systems, ways of thinking and behaving, so they are better equipped to identify cultural influences that act as barriers (Goodenough, 1981), while acknowledging social injustices in their communities, influence on health disparities and inequities. Goodenough defines (as cited in Dilworth-Anderson et al., 2012, p. 30-31) culture as a set of “shared symbols,…
References: Fraser, M. R., & Fisher, V. S. (2001, January). Elements of effective bioterrorism preparedness: A planning primer for local public health agencies. National Association of County and City Health Officials. Retrieved from…
As director of the regional Emergency Management Office, I am responsible for addressing everyone including the public of any environmental disasters that have or may take place. Today I received an official report that contained information in reference to public water supplies of several towns in the area that have become contaminated with a life-threatening biological agent. As everyone here knows; contingency plans must now be addressed within the organization and the public must be notified without creating a panic.…
In short stories "The Lady with a Dog" by Anton Chekhov and "Araby" by James Joyce, elements of the setting coaxed characters of "Araby" and "The Lady with a Dog" to indulge in unreasonable love and dreamy self delusion.…
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a widespread disorder that affects certain individuals psychologically, behaviorally, and emotionally following the experience of a traumatic event (Lee et al., 2005, p. 135). However, because of inconsistencies regarding the percentage of individuals who experience PTSD and the percentage of individuals who subsequently develop PTSD, researchers hypothesize that both biological and environmental factors contribute to the development of PTSD (Wolf et al. 2010, p. 328). In order gain a better understanding of this disorder and to discover contributing and predicative factors which contribute to the development of PTSD, this paper analyses the historical context and prevalence of PTSD, the biological and environmental contributing factors, and types of intervention used to mediate the effects of PTSD. In conclusion, the paper advocates the interrelated nature of environmental and biological influences on the development of PTSD and suggests future areas of research which may increase an interventionists ability to assist an individual suffering from PTSD.…