Individual Analysis
Organisational Behaviour 550
Semester 1 2013
Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Self-Assessment using Self-Assessment Exercise 3 3. Overview of relevant literature 4 4. Applications and limitations 6 5. Conclusion 7 6. References 7
1. Introduction
The science of categorising behavioural style started with the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates in 400 BC who recognised that we could be described as fitting into one of four temperament styles. This century, behavioural theory has been used to develop self-assessment tests that aim to provide an insight into our behavioural tendencies.
Over the past twenty years organisations have espoused these self-assessment instruments into their human resources tool kit(De Dreu et al. 2001). Over the last two decades I have predominantly worked in a team oriented environment within the construction industry. I have had roles that required me to both lead and follow the lead of others. In my experience I have seen examples of teams working well together and teams not working well together.
I feel as though good team dynamics at work are recognisable and intuitive beyond any theoretical explanation. This is the first time I have ever considered the behavioural aspects of team dynamics and how my personality factors in. Personality cohesion is essential to the effectiveness and efficiency of a team.
The purpose of this report is to better understand myself and others in a work team context, by exploring self-assessment tools and reflecting on the relevant literature I hope to discover more about my potential as a leader.
2. Self-Assessment using Self-Assessment Exercise
The self-assessment tools I selected were:
1. DiSC Personal Profile System
The DiSC behaviour model is based on research by William Moulton Marston, in his book Emotions of Normal People. The word DiSC is an acronym of the four primary dimensions of behaviour as described by Marsden:
References: Cangas, José Manuel. 1996. "The Self-Assessment Process at 1994 Euro Quality Winner, Ericsson Sa." Managing Service Quality 6 (6): 17-20. Coutu, Diane, and Michael Beschloss Hackman, J Richard. 2002. Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances: Harvard Business Press. Korn, Melissa. 2013. "Business Education: Business Schools Know How You Think, but How Do You Feel?" Wall Street Journal B.1 Mayer, John D, and Glenn Geher. 1996. "Emotional Intelligence and the Identification of Emotion." Intelligence 22 (2): 89-113. McKenna, Mindi K, Charlotte D Shelton, and John R Darling Sosik, John J, and Lara E Megerian. 1999. "Understanding Leader Emotional Intelligence and Performance the Role of Self-Other Agreement on Transformational Leadership Perceptions." Group & Organization Management 24 (3): 367-390. Wagner, William F