
Key Overarching Ideas In Twelfth Night Essay

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Key overarching ideas
In Act 1 Scene 1-3, Shakespeare “Twelfth Night” explores many thematic ideas such as disguise, love and rejection. In Scene 1, Shakespeare explores the idea of disguise and hiding through Viola’s manly disguise as well as Olivia’s withdrawals from the world through her veil. Due to Viola migrating to the land of Illyria, Viola decides that, in that case, she will disguise herself as a young man and seek service with Duke Orsino instead. On the other hand, Olivia withdraws herself from the world by wearing a veil, “She will veiled walk”, hiding her face after her brother died. Scene one also explores the idea of loss of loved ones through the connect Viola and Olivia share to do with losing their brothers. This foreshadows a connection between the two as they both share a very unusual trait in having “a brother’s dead love”. The final idea that Shake spear explores in Scene one is the unrequited love experience through Olivia who
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Shakespeare demonstrates how Money is not always the most important thing which Maria can also see - Sir Toby protests that Sir Andrew is a perfect match for his niece, because he is very rich and is also accomplished in music and languages, but Maria doesn’t care: in her view, Sir Andrew is a fool, a brawler, and a drunk. Even though “he hath the gift” to buy Olivia’s love, Maria can see past this as she notices Sir Andrews true character. Shakespeare also ironically give Sir Andrew the last name of ‘Agueface’, meaning ill or sick to look at, which Olivia finds to be true. Finally, Sir Toby persuades Sir Andrew to stay by complementing him and saying he has a good chance even though he doesn’t, saying Olivia will never “marry above her degree, neither in estate, years, nor wit,” foreshadowing her marriage to Sebastian who is below her so called

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