The proponents conduct a study towards the topic because we notice some of the hotels and express inn are using online hotel reservation system while the Kingsfield Express Inn is still using manual reservation. Therefore, the proponents aim to find out how to increase the number of customer using computerize online reservation and with billing system. The hotel reservation system will provide service to on-line customers, travel agents, and an administrator. On-line customers and travel agents can make searches, reservations and cancel an existing reservation on the hotel reservation’s web site. It helps the customer to reserve rooms through the internet, see the available rooms; the rates of it and at the same time the system will automatically total the rate of the reserved room. Administrator can add/update the hotel and the room information approve/disapprove a new travel agent’s account application and generate a monthly occupancy rate report for the hotel. The online reservation system with billing system aims to simplify the manual reservation fastest and accurate.
Preface Computer today is a vital tool for the management of information within the organization. Today, most of the Hotels provide goods and services using computer system. It helps to perform task in an easy way with less time consumed. Some companies are become fully automated while others strive for the similar setting. Today, many systems have used an automation process like using computer system, due to the efficient and accuracy. Kingsfield Online Hotel Reservation System with Billing System is proposed to help the company to reduce some common problems that exist. This system will help the Kingsfield Express Inn as regards to their online reservation system. The main function of the proposed online reservation system is help the company to promote and advertised and easy booking for the guest, will also make their operation