The daily routine involves washing hands before dinner times and brushing teeth after dinner. The practitioners would also take part in this with the children to be a role model for the daily care routines this encourages the children to take part. Numbers and colours are being taught in Welsh and English giving the children the opportunities and experiences to learn a new language they may not have been introduced to. In many of the settings I have been involved in the children’s work has been placed upon walls and displays this gives the children praise in subtle ways of recognising the children’s work. Some settings time out is used but in other settings where they are younger giving the other child a hug and saying sorry is more relevant for that age group. “Pringle believed that all needs are interrelated and interdependent and that if a child is to develop to their full potential all their social, physical, emotional and cultural needs must be …show more content…
Elinor Goldschmied developed this idea from Bowlby’s attachment theory. Bowlby’s attachment theory shows that the long term benefits for the children are the development of emotional skills which allows them to grow positive relationships with others. The emotional skills that are developed within the setting include being able to work and feel safe in the setting. Children are allowed to settle in at their own pace this is where the staggered start approach is influenced from in settings. In settings I have been in I have witnessed children being brought in for one hour then being extended as time moves forward. Also Bowlby believed that if children have certain routines the children have more confidence to explore. Routines such as outdoor play, allow children to take risks by climbing and falling and discovering things that are safe and that are not safe. When the children are brought to the setting most children especially in day nurseries are there nearly every day. It is important that the children are attached to someone in the setting as they will then feel safer and settle in better. I have seen this in baby placement where the parents have to go back to work and the child needs to settle in before the parent goes back full time. When forming a positive relationship with the parent it can help grow trust which can help when trying to settle a young child into the nursery. Parents and