First, patients undergoing LLETZ procedures in our hospital were thoroughly educated about cervical cancer by nurses and had been through a colposcopic examination. The educational leaflets about the procedure were also provided. According to a recent qualitative study, more detailed and practical information about the cervical smear result and the procedure may reduce stress and anxiety (Bosgraaf et al., 2013). Women receiving leaflets showed lower anxiety level as compared to women who did not receive an information (Wilkinson et al., 1990; Marteau et al., 1996). These pre-procedure experiences could reduce notable levels of distress and anxiety in many …show more content…
There have been studies stating that significant reduction of negative emotional state and physiological arousal were obtained after listening to self-selected music or classical music (Burns et al., 2002; Labbe et al., 2007). Increased reduction was proclaimed in the self-selected group. For further study, self-selected song should be a good choice to be compared with classical music.
Regardless of the previous study’s preference to choose a relaxing, slow-rhythm song, very limited number of Thais regularly listen to classical music. Some might feel that the song was not truly relaxing and, consequently, brought negative effects to the anxiety level. Future study regarding the genre of music suitable for Thai population could diminish this limitation.
Headphones gave both positive and negative effect. Stressful moments could occur when patients in the music group were unable to hear what was currently happening. Nonetheless, participants were advised to take off the headphones whenever they felt