The youth is no longer friends with one of his peer.
The youth is socializing with new peers. The youth does not want to get out of the home. The mother is concerned about the youth doing nothing, but staying home. WYP Ngo discussed with the team, the youth shared with WYP Ngo, the youth does not wants to go out if he cannot be with his friends. WYP Ngo updated the team about the counseling. The school does provide counseling, but the mother needs to fill out some papers. Counseling starts every Thursday after school. The youth’s mother update4d the team that the youth has mentioned canceling Wraparound. WYP Ngo discussed with the mother is the youth using any substances. The mother does not think the youth is using any substances. The youth is displaying jealousy toward his sister. There are many factors relating to the youth’s anger. WYP Ngo comforted the mother with encouraging words. WYP Ngo will discuss these concerns with the youth during the next one on one meeting. The FM will be scheduled as soon as